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The $400.00 Guitar Building Challenge

Matt finally got fed up with the other guitar build off events. He decided to take some of his own advice... If you're so smart, start your own contest.

If you’re looking for some excitement, step up to the line: Ready. Set. START BUILDING BABY!
The best part is the winner will take home a fat stack of cash!
So gear up, make the best guitar you can and...


Go Get That Money!

What Is It, Where Is It & When Is it?
What Are The Rules?
What Can You Win & Who Are The Sponsors?
Who Are The Judges?

Current Participants - 

*Marc Arena
Bill Carr

Dave Chenzoff

Pete Davenport

*Bobby Dill

*Evan Donovan

Gerry Humphrey

Randy King

*Butch Landry

Maxime Lepage

Rick Molloy

Thomas Norris

*Richard Pearson

Gregory Purl

*Gary Redburn

Alex Saucet

*Doug Seidlitz

*Don Siltanen

Jerry Stone

Gary Taft


All have been emailed with instructions

Those who have *paid have received discount codes via email yesterday. Check spam.

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